ACE Container a professional supplier of shipping containers and container parts.
ACE Container & Parts Co., Limited creates iconic products including lng iso tank capacity, which excels others in quality, performance and operational reliability. Using superior materials from different countries, the product exhibits remarkable stability and long lifespan. Besides, the product undergoes fast evolution as R&D is highly valued. Strict quality inspections are carried out before delivery to increase qualification ratio of the product.
We established brand - ACE Container, wanting to help make our customers' dreams come true and do everything we can to contribute to society. This is our unchanging identity, and it is who we are. This shapes the actions of all ACE Container employees and ensures outstanding teamwork across all regions and business fields.
To provide exceptional services at 21o3jb4l, we carry out a variety of quality measurements on our operation. For example, we measure customer usage of our website, regularly review and assess the quality of our service procedures, and perform a variety of specific spot checks. We also organize regular training on service skills to deliver outstanding customer experience.
Sales Manager: Aaron Liu
Tel.: +86-18822283438/+86-22-65556861
WhatsApp: +86-18822283438
Rm 2009, Building 21B, Binhai Innovation Park, Binhai Dist., Tianjin, China 300450